Good Questions?

Chocolate milk is not the only reason Romney finds himself in the news this week. …

Look Right, Not Left

When my children were young, I often read them the classic Dr. Seuss book, Oh, …

Hey Congress, I Want You to Get Busy

  The war drums have stopped; the rifles have dropped. This morning, President Trump announced …

Straight Talk

Just a thought for this morning. Truth: Mass shootings are terrible. Individual shootings are terrible. …

Political Gridlock – Good or Bad?

  Following Tuesday’s election, Democrats control the House of Representatives, Republicans control the Senate, and …

Maxine the Progressive Wants Revenge

  Who will win overall in the midterm Congressional elections on November 6? The Democrats? …


  Do you remember Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado? In 2012, …

An Immigration Solution

  On the heels of Congress’ failure to act yet again on any form of …

Yes, Let’s Talk!

  Yes, let’s talk about gun violence. Let’s talk about those who use guns to …

US Senate – We do not Care about the...

  The GOP Senate is expected to announce its disregard for the future of the …

You Catch More Flies with Honey than with Vinegar!

  This is not the way to appeal to the other side! Perhaps a little …


Today, the United States House of Representatives released the long-awaited and very controversial heretofore classified …

Schumer Shutdown or McConnell Meltdown?

Schumer Shutdown or McConnell Meltdown? Is there a shutdown looming or not? Again, we all …

10 Things Every Computer User Should Know

I’m not a tech support specialist.  I don’t help people fix their computers for a …

Georgia Congressional Wannabe Ossoff Won’t Answer Simple Question

  “Well, I grew up in this district.  I grew up in this community.  No …
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