Beware! Trump Does Not Really Want Latino Vote!

  For the past year, Donald Trump has been very outspoken about his plan to …

Response – Democratic Socialism Doubts

  A few weeks back, we published an article here demonstrating that when Bernie Sanders …

Will Romney Enter the Ring Again?

  Last year, in Salt Lake City, Mitt Romney and Evander Holyfield engaged in a …

It’s About Time!

  NBC News reports that Justice Clarence Thomas, after ten years, finally asks a question …

Blast from the Past – RIP GOP

It’s not Throwback Thursday, but we’re going back a few years today.  On the day …

Can’t Twitter just be Twitter?

Some people get twitter.  Some people don’t.  Whether you use it or not, with over …

We Need the Constitution More Than Ever

“Now, what the American people understand is that our great country was based on a …

What is Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Socialism?

Socialism.  It’s such a scary word, isn’t it.  Did you think the word and the …

We’re Back! Happy New Year.

After taking a little time off, Joverity is back and better than ever.  Stay tuned, …

The Earth Has Been Saved – Or Has It?

Last Saturday, the world rejoiced at the approval of a multi-nation agreement at the 2105 …


Each tomorrow quickly becomes a yesterday.  What will you do today to rest assured that …

Give Real Thanks Today

Happy Thanksgiving.  We hope you are enjoying your families and your food.  Remember, if you …

Prayers Today for France and Peace Everywhere

Words cannot express the sadness felt for the terror experienced in France last night.  Terror …

It’s Veterans Day

World War I formally ended on November 11, 1918 at the 11th hour.  Hence we …

Obama Now: I Lied, I Really Can Suspend...

Here we go again. Yesterday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed an earlier court …
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