Biden’s Election Interference

The entire nation should pay close attention to Biden’s actions because from here on out, …

Secure the Border and Stop Playing the Blame Game!

Secure the border Washington! You all sit on your high horses in your elected seats …

An Immigration Solution

  On the heels of Congress’ failure to act yet again on any form of …

You Catch More Flies with Honey than with Vinegar!

  This is not the way to appeal to the other side! Perhaps a little …

Schumer Shutdown or McConnell Meltdown?

Schumer Shutdown or McConnell Meltdown? Is there a shutdown looming or not? Again, we all …

Not About Immigration

  Last week’s Supreme Court decision was short. The judgment is affirmed by an equally …

Beware! Trump Does Not Really Want Latino Vote!

  For the past year, Donald Trump has been very outspoken about his plan to …

Obama Seeks Dictatorial Authority over Courts and Congress

The Obama Adminstration, led of course by President Obama, may yet again take action to …
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