The Pains of Supporting Crowdfunded Projects

In recent years crowdfunding has become a pretty big thing.  Crowdfunding is the practice of …

The Amazing Amazon Echo

The Amazon Echo was quite a surprise when it was released in late 2014.  A …

WeMo Light Switch by Belkin

About 6 months ago, I installed WeMo light switches in my house.  These switches allow …

Canon’s New Flagship 1D X Mark II

I’ve been using Canon’s new Flagship DSLR for the past few months for both video …

Madame “Extremely Careless” President

  Do you want an extremely careless president?  How about one who’s actions do not …

Not About Immigration

  Last week’s Supreme Court decision was short. The judgment is affirmed by an equally …

Hey, Listen to This – It’s Important

  Hey!  Yes, you.  Don’t look around.  You!  It’s time for some straight talk.  Right …

MBK – My Brother’s Keeper, or Kidnapper?

  “That’s what ‘My Brother’s Keeper’ is all about. Helping more of our young people …

It’s About Time!

  NBC News reports that Justice Clarence Thomas, after ten years, finally asks a question …

Can’t Twitter just be Twitter?

Some people get twitter.  Some people don’t.  Whether you use it or not, with over …

We Need the Constitution More Than Ever

“Now, what the American people understand is that our great country was based on a …

What is Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Socialism?

Socialism.  It’s such a scary word, isn’t it.  Did you think the word and the …

We’re Back! Happy New Year.

After taking a little time off, Joverity is back and better than ever.  Stay tuned, …

The Earth Has Been Saved – Or Has It?

Last Saturday, the world rejoiced at the approval of a multi-nation agreement at the 2105 …

Prayers Today for France and Peace Everywhere

Words cannot express the sadness felt for the terror experienced in France last night.  Terror …
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