The Constitution – a Document for the Ages
Today, September 17, is Constitution Day, the day that commemorates the signing of the United States Constitution in 1787. This author reveres the Constitution as a God-inspired document that has protected the nation’s citizens, abolished slavery and freed the slaves (although it took quite a few decades to get Democrats to understand just how terrible slavery really was), allowed for freedom of thought and belief, and provided a path for every single citizen to pursue life, liberty and happiness.
Sadly, not everyone believes this.
In a recent article published in the New York Times, “The Constitution is Broken and Should Not Be Reclaimed,” two ivy league law professors argue that the U.S. Constitution should be overthrown through court packing, legislation and just plain ignoring the founding document of our nation. If you are interested in their drivel, read the article here.
Ryan D. Doerfler of Harvard Law and Samuel Moyn of Yale Law stated that:
“When liberals lose in the Supreme Court — as they increasingly have over the past half-century — they usually say that the justices got the Constitution wrong. But struggling over the Constitution has proved a dead end. The real need is not to reclaim the Constitution, as many would have it, but instead to reclaim America from constitutionalism.”, August 19, 2022
Reclaim America from constitutionalism? The Constitution has preserved and protected our nation for 235 years and was written to protect America from any other form of government. What’s to reclaim, if you truly have the best interests of the United States and its citizens at heart.
These authors are law professors, charged by what are considered the pinnacle of higher education institutions, with educating and preparing their students to go forth and protect the Constitution and the Rule of Law. (Even though many, if not most, of the law professors in the nation believe the same progressive poppycock, I’d recommend anyone considering law school to find somewhere other than Harvard or Yale to attend!)
Another gem from their article:
“It’s difficult to find a constitutional basis for abortion or labor unions in a document written by largely affluent men more than two centuries ago. It would be far better if liberal legislators could simply make a case for abortion and labor rights on their own merits without having to bother with the Constitution.”, August 19, 2022
Back to the Constitution.
The Constitution was not only the founding, organizing document of the fledgling United States of America, but was intended to endure as the supreme law of the land, limiting forever the power and authority of a federal government.
Far too many citizens believe the Constitution to be ancient, outdated, and unnecessary. They could not be more mistaken, whether intentionally and deceitfully like the authors of the article referenced above or ignorantly like so many others who just do not understand the realities of the value and importance of the Constitution.
Many of our nation’s leaders, media commentators, reporters, and even teachers speak of the United States as a democracy, claiming “our democracy” must be protected at all costs. In reality, the framers of the Constitution very intentionally and carefully drafted a document that created anything but a democracy.
The Constitution formed a republic, a constitutional, democratic republic. A union of states who needed a federal government for a limited and delineated purpose. Those who call this nation a democracy seek a strong, overpowering, controlling national government with weak states, and seek the destruction of both the Constitution and the United States of America as we have known it all our lives.
On the final day of the Constitutional Convention, it is said that a woman asked Benjamin Franklin (who presided over the convention) whether they had created a republic or a monarchy. Mr. Franklin replied that they had created “a republic, if you can keep it.”
Beware when a wolf in sheep’s clothing tries to tell you otherwise.
In the coming weeks, we will discuss the United States Constitution in depth on this page and hopefully help clarify and remind everyone that adherence to its principles is just as necessary today as it was on September 17, 1787.
As you read and ponder the importance of the Constitution, which you can do here, thank God that He allowed such a document to be written and enacted for the founding and preservation of the freest nation on earth. Reeducate yourself on its core provisions, on the powers of the federal government and on the guarantees and protections set forth in the Bill of Rights, which you can read here.
Let’s begin a national discussion and reclaim our Constitution from those seeking to destroy it.