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Republicans Select New Strong Arm

John Boehner resigned.

Kevin McCarthy unexpectedly withdrew from the race.

Jason Chaffetz and Bill Flores also ran, and now are also-rans.

Daniel Webster ran, and is still running, along with Democrat Nancy Pelosi.

Paul Ryan said no.  Paul Ryan said no again.  Paul Ryan said maybe.  Paul Ryan said yes, only if I get my way.

Then Paul Ryan jumped in the race, once he knew he would win.

The drama has ended.  Paul Ryan has been nominated as his party’s selection for Speaker of the House.  His appointment is all but guaranteed, as all Republicans have agreed to vote for him in tomorrow’s formal election in the House of Representatives.

The “campaign” has been long and arduous following Boehner’s surprise resignation announcement, not just as Speaker, but from the House of Representatives.  Boehner’s popularity has waned in recent years, and demonstrated yet again why he is disliked by many in the House, when he negotiated a 2-year $8 trillion budget deal as part of his “barn cleaning” before leaving office.

Ryan, in spite of being considered a Washington insider and friend to Boehner, is supported by many in the House, who are willing to give him a fresh start.

It sounds like Ryan will be popular on both sides of the aisle.  It’s been reported that House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer thinks Ryan will be an “outstanding” Speaker.  Even Senator Harry Reid speaks highly of Ryan, saying he is a “fan.”

Support from both sides of the aisle, as well as Democrats in the Senate.  Is that a good thing for the GOP?  Only time will tell . . .

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